Pet Transportation Services in St. Augustine

Pet travel doesn’t have to be a difficult part of the day when safe pet transport is available. We can help pets make appointments to get the care they deserve while allowing their human friends to focus on other important responsibilities. Explore our pet taxi services and see how we can help you care for your pet when life events get in the way.

What Is a Pet Taxi?

A dog taxi works like a taxi for humans: We do the driving, so you don’t have to. When you call our local pet taxi, we can get your pet to vet visits, groomer appointments or even a pet hotel when you go on vacation and need safe care for them.

We’ll treat your pet like an honored passenger when they’re with us. We’ll ensure they have water and a place to relieve themselves, so they can ride comfortably.

Helpful and Safe Pet Transportation

Let’s say your pet needs to see the vet for their annual checkup, but the vet has been busy for weeks. Out of the blue, the vet calls and tells you a spot is available at 1:30 p.m. that day. However, you have a meeting with your work team at 1:20, and you have to finish a big project for a client, so rescheduling is out of the question.

Our pet taxi can get your furry family member to the vet safely, letting you focus on your job. When your meeting is over, and you’re ready to see your pet again, we’ll have them back safe and sound.

Book Safe Pet Transport Today

If you know you need assistance getting your pet to their appointment, we’re just a call away. Contact us today to reserve safe local pet taxi services for your furry family member.